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Ep. 10 Community, Connection, & Happiness w/ Dr. Gillian Mandich | ReWildMyBio

Today’s guest is the wild and wonderful Dr. Gillian Mandich. We discuss all things Happiness just in time for World Happiness Day Friday March 20th. We could all use a little happiness right about now and in this episode we share stories and science that will help you cultivate happiness. We spend a lot of time discussing how connecting with family, and friends is an important pre determinant for happiness and how reconnecting with community, nature, and ourself we can tap into reserves of primal happiness that humans enjoyed until modern day distractions and expectations we put on ourself and others. We also discuss how having a shared sense of camaraderie and struggle increases happiness. Gillian has a white paper coming out Friday March 20th on happiness in the workplace. Enjoy the show!

Connect with Gillian
Instagram: @gillianmandich
Twitter: @gillianmandich

Topics Discussed: 

Intro: dog, family and happiness; what Shawn knows about the coronavirus;  Gillian’s PhD adventure into the field of Happiness and Health; Community and happiness; happiness through adversity; Modern day distractions and getting quiet in nature and then knowing what makes us happy; Are people happy; Sustainable happiness;

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Connect with Shawn
Instagram: @rewildmybio
Facebook: @rewildmybio
Twitter: @shawnslade
LinkedIn: @shawnslade

Have questions, comments, or want to request a guest? I would love to hear from you. Contact me through the website here.

ReWild My Bio is produced by host Shawn Slade. If you have a product or service that aligns with the show’s values and want to sponsor an episode please contact Shawn via email at

Special thanks to Ian Dummer of En’D Productions for the ReWild My Bio theme song, to Kyle Stiers for the logo and art work, and to Mike Budinsky of Urban Grind Media for the photo’s and video’s and Tyler Bryden of SixFive Interactive for keeping a rewilder connected online.