It’s been a while since I have recorded a podcast. To be honest I have been scared to break my silence for fear of repercussions… that said, I told myself in March 2020 that when the vaccine passport comes (as I knew it would) I would have to break my silence. This episode is me doing just that, but before I get into the weeds of the day, I discuss how I have been enjoying being immersed in building my house on the 30 acres of land I am stewarding in the Canadian shield. I have also been enjoying laying the foundation for one of Canada’s best nature connection schools through my Ph.D. research. I give a brief update of these projects before diving into the vaccine passport and all things government silliness here in Canada. Speaking of government silliness how about the 2021 Canadian election? Nothing could be more alarming than the Canadian Prime Ministers’ campaign speech and JT’s striking resemblance to Hitler’s speeches of the 1930s. Unfortunately, no amount of logic or rational thinking will help the masses step back from the ledge… that said I do my best and if nothing more get some much needed things off my chest. The future is in our hands… what will we do with it?
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Shawn’s reason for putting podcasting on hold, Telegram is the new social media hub for this podcast and all of Shawn’s online research sharing, Shawn introduces Biooptimizers as a new sponsor of the show, The 2021 Canadian election, demonic forces within Canada’s elite political parties and within health science, comments on being civilly disobedient, strategic voting doesn’t work, notes on staying centred and fighting the good fight with integrity.
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The Rewild My Bio Podcast is produced by host Shawn Slade. If you have a product or service that you feel aligns well with the podcast values and want to sponsor an episode please contact Shawn via email at
You can also become a supporter of the show by donating directly to the Rewild My Bio Patreon page. By becoming a financial supporter via Patreon you are not only helping with overhead costs associated with the production of the podcast but also indirectly supporting Shawn’s PhD research on the role nature connection has in human health and wellbeing.